"Scroll down to see what you will learn in each half hour" 1st Hour How to Make An Unforgettable First Impression After listening to this first half hour, you will be able to create a dynamic presence in the first minute or less. You'll master 2 terrific Little Tricks to establish instant rapport and kick-start lively conversation. How to Captivate Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace Here are 3 Little Tricks you'll want to use immediately on new acquaintances, and even old friends, to dazzle them with your friendliness and sincerity. Includes an 8-Point Checklist to use while conversing with all types of people to make them feel that they (and therefore you) are a very special person. 2nd Hour How to Master Small Talk with Ease You'll learn lots of Little Tricks to make small talk easy and comfortable in these 30 minutes. You start with the 4-point Small Talk Checklist. Then you discover a special way to keep all your small talk appropriate and engrossing. How to Transition From Small Talk to Deeper Talk Master 6 techniques to shift from small talk into more engrossing and profound communicating – or to the subject you want to discuss. Plus, a unique linguistic trick to revive a dying conversation, and another to uncover his or her hot buttons. There's more: 2 unique methods to make a new acquaintance subconsciously feel like you are an old friend. 3rd Hour How to Sound Like an Insider in Any Crowd Just listening to this half hour prepares you to be a stimulating conversationalist in any group of people — no matter how little you have in common! Some methods are for when you know in advance what type of people you'll be talking to. The other is for when you "go in cold" and need to talk intelligently with a diverse group of strangers. How to Win Mega-Rewards for Mega-Listening This half hour introduces a unique approach to listening so you'll be able to vividly remember what the speaker said — thus become an active participant in the conversation. You'll also learn a 4-point Listening Checklist to uncover the speaker's hidden messages so you can give responses aimed right at their hearts. 4th Hour How To Work A Party Like A Politician Works A Room After listening to this segment, you will be more confident at gatherings and approach the people YOU want and need to meet. You'll also learn the very best answer to the inevitable question, "What do you do?" — and the one thing you should wear to every gathering. There is a 6-point party checklist that politicians and all serious socializers ask themselves to get the most out of every gathering. How to Let Your Body Do The Talking This is THE comprehensive course in getting your body shaped up to express confidence, composure and credibility. You'll also learn how to read the other people's body language to unearth their hidden messages or know if they are lying. You'll enjoy detecting if an attractive someone of the opposite sex finds you desirable! 5th Hour How to Reach Out And Touch Everybody – By Phone Talking on your cell or phone is very different from face-to-face communicating! Become a master phone communicator with these 10 Top-Notch Telephone Techniques. Discover the one question you should start every conversation with. (No, it's not, "How are you?") Learn how to leave voicemail massages that make people call you back, and the most impressive outgoing message for your own voicemail. How to Put Pizzazz in Your Conversation with Pro's Techniques Discover image consultants' techniques to put passion in your conversation and professional speakers' methods, such as employing dramatic silences, collecting rich phrases and humor to entertain your listeners . . . and much more. Finally, learn actors' techniques to be completely relaxed when giving presentations to groups of people. 6th Hour How to Harness the Power of Praise Here you elevate praise to an art form to win many friends. Master the Killer Compliment, the Little Strokes Compliment, the Implied Compliment, the Grapevine Complement, the Carrier Pigeon Compliment, the Bulls Eye Compliment, the Knee Jerk Compliment and the Tracking Compliment. You'll also discover the Boomerang Technique to make others want to compliment YOU! How to Chew Up Tough Cookies Here you'll learn the surprisingly predictable patterns of tough cookies' annoying behavior, and how to chew them up so they don't even feel bitten. At the end of this segment you'll have step-by- step methods for dealing with negativists, constant talkers, hostile aggressive bullies, snipers and the super-agreeable people who always let you down. Then you will be given a magic catch-all sentence that turns the worst of them around. 7th Hour How to Employ Different Strokes For Different Folks Throughout history, philosophers and psychiatrists have divided people into four basic personality types. Here you learn your basic personality type. (Are you a box, a circle, a triangle or squiggle?) Then you learn how to relate vastly different people. Men, learn how to talk to women — and vice versa. How To Play Conversational Hardball…And Win! These Little Tricks have been likened to an iron fist in a soft velvet glove. You'll master a powerful 5-step tool called The Converter to persuade, sell, negotiate… and to win! You will be given a simple foolproof pattern to sequence your concepts so you get your important ideas across, and how to tailor your points depending on whom you're talking to. Discover ways to make your message hit home and touch their hearts with real stories from your own life. 8th Hour Advanced Rapport Establishing Techniques Now you're stepping into deep territory with 7 subliminal rapport establishing techniques. Learn how to emulate and capitalize on your conversational partners' background and experiences, clone their perceptions, and create analogies and similes from their world. This half hour gives you an advanced telephone technique for both deep rapport and crystal clear comprehension. Finally, here is a method for winning your conversational partners' hearts by doing their thinking for them! How To Talk With Tigers And Not Get Eaten Alive This final segment takes conversation to its highest level and gives you sophisticated communication techniques which can mean the difference between staying on — or toppling off — the top rung of the social or corporate ladder. You'll learn advanced concepts like providing a safe haven for high level contacts, and secretly keeping track of "The Score" in any relationship – professional or personal. PLUS the 10 common phrases you should NEVER say in everyday conversation! |

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